Our Dates Changed!

As many of you have heard, Project A-kon has decided to move their dates. Problem is, they seem to have picked our weekend.

Here at AnimeCTX we immediately began thinking of our fans and how this would affect you all. So we sat down, talked to the venue, talked amongst ourselves, and made a hard decision. Because Project A-Kon has chosen to move to our weekend, many of our staff; vendors; and loyal attendees are now torn between two shows.

In order to resolve the conflict they created, we here at AnimeCTX have made the decision to move our dates in order to bring you, the fans that we do this for, a better experience. This decision was not made lightly, and we’re extremely grateful to the Austin Marriott North for doing something so out of the ordinary and moving our contracted dates to help us bring you the best show we can.

While this decision does come at an extra cost to us financially, this will not be reflected in our pricing. All we ask is for you to show your support as we make this move to be better for you.

So join us Memorial Day Weekend, May 24th through the 26th, at the Austin Marriott North for AnimeCTX 2019 and start your summer with a bang!!!

As a sign of our thanks, our Armed Services members will enjoy a special military discount of 30% off when presenting their service ID for on-site registration.

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