Cosplay Contest

Contest Times
Saturday May 25th, 2019 in Main Events at 7 pm – 10 pm
On-Site Sign-Ups
Friday: 2PM – 7PM
Saturday: 10AM – 1PM
Online Sign-Ups
Must submit by May 10, 2019 at 11:59 PM CST
Skit Approval
Must Submit Skits by May 1st, 2019 at 11:59 PM CST
- Best in Show
- Best Masters
- Best Craftsmanship
- Best Intermediate
- Best Novice
- Best Skit
- Best Youth
- Judges Awards x3
Regulations, Rules and Guidelines
- Registration forms are available on the AnimeCTX website and during the convention on Friday and Saturday at the Cosplay Sign-up booth. Sign up early, spaces are limited. Entry can be guaranteed by filling out an entry form before May 10, 2019.
- Each entrant is allowed to have their own personal music. All audio must be cut to size (30 seconds for walk-on, 3 minutes for skit) and turned into staff during online sign-up. Only MP3 files will be accepted and MUST be e-mailed by May 1, 2019. No music will be accepted on site. Please e-mail to
- Group entries are allowed, limit of 8 entrants. Competing in multiple groups is NOT allowed.
- A cosplay that has won a major award may be entered under ONE of the following conditions:
- At the discretion of the directors (if the audience, competitors, and judges are significantly different)
- The cosplay is entered as an exhibition piece
- The cosplay is entered into a more experienced skill division
- 60% of the cosplay must be constructed or altered by the entrant. If you are modeling a cosplay that someone else made, to be eligible for an award the constructor MUST be present at pre-judging.
- Purchased or commissioned cosplays are NOT eligible for any awards. They can be entered as exhibition pieces.
- Professional cosplayers are NOT allowed to enter. A professional cosplayer is anyone who makes a significant portion of their income from costume design, construction or sales.
- Skill division is strictly enforced. If an entrant is found to have entered a division below their skill level, they will be immediately moved to a higher skill division. If an entrant is found to have intentionally entered a class below their skill level, that entrant risks immediate disqualification.
- Cosplays that have won awards at conventions of a smaller size (calculated by attendance) are allowed. Any entrant found to be entering a cosplay which has previously taken a major award at a larger convention (without at least 60% of the cosplay being altered or remade) will be immediately disqualified and risk being banned from future AnimeCTX competitions.
- All props must be approved by weapons check. Cosplays with parts that extend beyond arm’s length (e.g. wings), cause trouble walking up and down stairs, or vision impairment: be sure to bring a handler(s) or address your concerns with cosplay staff. No ice skates or rollerblades/skates will be allowed in the convention/hotel.
- Cosplays must maintain a PG-13 rating. No excessive violence, sexual content, exposed bodies, etc. Please wear coverings under skirts or consider wearing nude body suits. Complaints will be handled at the discretion of the convention staff/security.
- Bring at least one color reference image of your cosplay for pre-judging (on paper, phone,
- tablet, etc). If entering with an original character cosplay, bringing a drawing is acceptable. Progress portfolios are HIGHLY encouraged; they include photo documentation of your work from start to finish. Email the cosplay coordinator for examples if needed.
- Pre-judging is NOT open to the public. Only participants, handlers, and parents/guardians of those in the youth category are allowed.
- Participation in the Cosplay Contest Pre-meeting is required. Arriving after the pre-meeting will result in being removed from the contest.
- Do NOT leave debris or other items on the stage. Do NOT throw anything into the audience or at the judges. Examples include: props, glitter, confetti, petals, water, etc.
- Skits MUST be pre-recorded (3 minute limit). There will be no live microphones allowed. Recorded skits and a copy of the script or video must be turned in for approval to the director by May 1, 2019.
- For safety concerns, any battle or fight scenes must be done at ¾ speed and one leg must remain on stage at all times, unless approved by the cosplay coordinator before the contest.
- Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. – Vincent Van Gogh. His name is your secret word.
- Be respectful to other cosplay entrants and the judges. Unruly or disruptive behavior during pre-judging, backstage, or during the contest is not permitted and entrants associated with this behavior will be disqualified. Entrants will not be notified if they have been disqualified, and judges are not permitted to discuss the judging process or the results. This is to protect entrants, judges and staff as well as to maintain the professionalism of the contest.
- The cosplay managers reserve the right to refuse or revoke entry to any entrant for any reason.